Information for investors

Assessment of the distributors

On an ongoing basis, the Supervisory Board follows up on the quality of the advisory and distributing services to which distributors give investors access.

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Best Practice policy

Jyske Invest's Policy of Best Practice - based on the recommendations of the Federation of Danish Investment Associations.

Exclusion – when dialogue fails

We believe that dialogue can make companies change their behaviour. However, we choose not to invest in companies, if they do not meet our requirements relating to norms and activities – and we see that dialogue will not make them change their attitude. This is called ’exclusion’.

Our requirements are aligned with international norms and conventions and cover a wide range of areas, such as environmental protection, employment rights and human rights. Jyske Invest Fund Management consistently excludes investments that can be related to controversial weapons, like e.g. anti-personnel mines and cluster weapons.

In addition, we exclude companies that operate in the fossil fuels industry, i.e. by refining thermal coal and tar sand, if the company generates more than 5% of its revenue in these forms of energy.

See the current exclusion list here

Fund Governance policy

Jyske Invest's Fund Governance policy - based on the recommendations of the Federation of Danish Investment Associations.

Guidelines on the processing of personal data at Jyske Invest

See how and when your personal data are processed and/or disclosed.

Read the guidelines

Integration of sustainability risks and handling of the principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors at Jyske Invest Fund Management A/S

Jyske Invest Fund Management A/S (JIFM) complies with the Jyske Bank Group’s policy for responsible and sustainable investment in force from time to time. You can read more about how sustainability and sustainability risks are integrated in the investment decisions in the policy, which is available here (in Danish).

JIFM considers the principal adverse impacts on sustainability factors when we make investment decisions on financial products. JIFM complies with the Jyske Bank Group’s declaration in this respect in force from time to time.

You can read the declaration here.

Similarly, JIFM agrees to the Group’s Remuneration policy. You can find the policy here.

Investor issues: Extract from the Articles of Association

A description of investor rights through an extract from the Articles of Association of Investeringsforeningen Jyske Invest International.

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Policy on follow-up on returns - extract

The Supervisory Board has adopted a policy for the follow-up on and reaction to returns which are not up to the targets.

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Policy on order procurement, placement and allocation - extract

This policy shall ensure that Jyske Invest Fund Management A/S (JIFM) acts in the interest of the managed associations and funds when executing decisions to trade financial instruments.

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Policy on responsible and sustainable investment

The basis of Jyske Invest's work with responsible investment is UN PRI’s Principles for Responsible Investment which is a joint declaration on taking corporate social responsibility in connection with investment.

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Policy on the integration of sustainability risks in investment decisions at Jyske Invest Fund Management A/S (JIFM)

Pursuant to articles 10(3), 16 and 45(3) and 45(6) of the Danish Executive Order on Management, Control and Administration of Danish UCITS as well as articles 18(3) and 57(1)(c) of the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 231/2013 (the AIFM Regulation), Jyske Invest Fund Management A/S (JIFM) is required to take into consideration sustainability risks in any investment decisions made regarding both UCITS and AIFs and to have incorporated a suitable procedure for this purpose, e.g. in the form of a policy for the integration of sustainability risks in investment decisions.

Pursuant to Article 3(1) of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation), Jyske Invest Fund Management A/S is required to publish this procedure for the integration of sustainability risks in investment decisions along with an assessment of the probable impacts that sustainability risks may have on the return. 

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Share lending

The Supervisory Board has decided that share lending must not be used by any of the funds.

The decision does not apply to external funds for collective investment in which the funds invest.