Investment policy
Investment is chiefly made directly and indirectly in bonds issued by countries that are in a period of transition from developing countries to industrial nations, mainly in the areas Latin America, Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa. The bonds involve a certain credit risk. Investment is made primarily in bonds issued by or guaranteed by states.
Investments will primarily be made in bonds denominated in USD, which will be hedged to EUR. Investments may also be made in bonds denominated in local currencies in the emerging markets. Generally these investments will not be hedged to EUR.
The fund may invest a maximum of 10% of its assets in units in other umbrella funds, individual funds and investment institutions.
The objective of the portfolio management is continuously to generate a risk-adjusted return which is at least in line with the risk-adjusted return of the fund’s benchmark.
The return is measured over the time horizon which the typical investor in the fund should have as a minimum according to the paragraph on ‘The typical investor’.
The portfolio return is stated after costs of active portfolio management.
Financial instruments
The fund may use derivative financial instruments.
JPMorgan EMBI Global Diversified Comp Hedged EURO
The benchmark has applied since: 01.11.2005