Period Fund Benchmark
1 month
0.14 %
0.04 %
3 months
0.56 %
0.66 %
6 months
4.61 %
4.31 %
12 months
7.96 %
6.84 %
7.96 %
6.84 %
2 years
19.11 %
9.12 % per year
18.79 %
8.98 % per year
3 years
4.07 %
1.34 % per year
4.48 %
1.47 % per year
4 years
6.84 %
1.67 % per year
7.85 %
1.91 % per year
5 years
10.61 %
2.03 % per year
11.56 %
2.21 % per year
Since launch (19/11/2001)
166.82 %
4.34 % per year
247.89 %
5.54 % per year
The return is stated in percentage of the fund’s denomination currency EUR before tax and before investor’s own issue and redemption costs, but less administrative and transaction costs of the fund.
Updated 31/12/2024- Source: Jyske Invest
Selected key figures
Current duration 3.80
Yield to maturity 5.73


ICE BofA Blended High Yield bonds (Hedged EUR)

The benchmark has applied since: 01.01.2012