Notice convening an Investor Forum for election of investor representative to the Supervisory Board in Jyske Invest Fund Management A/S
Investeringsforeningen Jyske Invest International is convening an Investor Forum. In pursuance of section 98 of the Danish Financial Business Act (Lov om finansiel virksomhed), investors in the investment funds and capital associations managed by Jyske Invest Fund Management A/S are entitled to elect an investor representative to the Supervisory Board in Jyske Invest Fund Management A/S. An Investor Forum is held in accordance with article 12 of the Articles of Association and the accompanying Electoral Regulations; see appendix to the notice convening the Investor Forum.
Nomination of candidate
Investors are requested to submit any nominations of candidates for the office of investor representative to Jyske Invest Fund Management A/S. Nomination of candidates may be submitted at the email address [email protected] or by letter to Jyske Invest Fund Management A/S, Vestergade 8-16, DK-8600 Silkeborg. In order to nominate a candidate, a number of details must be provided about the nominator and the candidate in a nomination form so that the investors can assess the candidates’ qualifications for holding the office of investor representative.
Nominations of candidates for the office of investor representative can be submitted from 7 January 2025 and must have been received by Jyske Invest Fund Management A/S no later than on 28 January 2025 at 16.00.
Any voting investor may nominate a candidate for the election of an investor representative. Investors cannot nominate themselves as candidates, and each investor may only nominate one candidate.
Requirements for investor representative
- Candidates must meet certain requirements, including the requirement for sufficient experience to exercise the directorship and the requirement that they have not previously been convicted of an offence and that they have not been administered in bankruptcy, been in suspension of payments etc.
- In this connection, candidates must be assessed by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority regarding their fitness and propriety (Fit and Proper).
- Candidates must not, by virtue of their position or other duties or offices, have interests that may be in conflict with the Company’s interests.
Election period
The election period runs from 7 February up to and including 17 February 2025. The election will be held by electronic voting.
Reference is made to the Electoral Regulations for further information about the election of an investor representative.
Nomination form for candidates