Uncontested election of investor representative to the Supervisory Board of Jyske Invest Fund Management A/S
Jane Soli Preuthun has been elected investor representative of the Supervisory Board of Jyske Invest Fund Management A/S since she was the only candidate nominated after expiry of the nomination deadline on 26 January 2023 at 4.00 p.m. Jane Soli Preuthun has been elected for a one-year period and will take up the position of investor representative of Jyske Invest Fund Management A/S at the statutory supervisory board meeting due to be held after the company's annual general meeting on 27 February 2023, cf. electoral regulations for the election of investor representatives of Jyske Invest Fund Management A/S.
Jane Soli Preuthun is already on the supervisory boards of the associations managed by Jyske Invest Fund Management A/S.